This may not work for everyone but i found a lot of problems with the issued thwbnews.php, smilies not showing, url links split in half due to the fixed length of news row i made the changes/inclusions below
maybe it will work for you
<?php /* $Id: thwbnews.php,v 1.4 2002/11/06 20:43:45 pbaecher Exp $ */ /* * * ThWboard News * * WARNING: This script requires thwboard beta 2.8+ * * This is a basic newsscript using thwboard as news database. * In order to use this script, you need to create a news board, * and enter its ID below. You can post news by creating a new * thread in this board and your users may comment these news * by posting replies (optional) * * To alter the layout/design you can edit the variable * $tpl_newsrow. This is the template for a news item. * * Then, simply include() this script on your main page. * * * * (c) 2002 ThWboard Development Team */ /* ----------------- config ------------------- path to your thwboard directory (relative to this script) don't forget the slash at the end! */ $thwbpath = '../'; /* should this script open a MySQL connection? 1 - yes 0 - no, use existing */ $mysqlconnect = 1; /* print() news directly or store them in $news_output? 1 - print() news 0 - store output in $news_output */ $print_news = 1; /* news are taken from this boardid */ $boardid = 1; /* amout of news to display at a time */ $newscount = 10; /* dont display more than $maxchars, link to the thread instead. 0 to disable */ $maxchars = 40; /* the date format for your news -- see */ $date_format = 'd.m.Y'; /* newsrow template. available inserts: {date}, {topic}, {text}, {author}, {commentcount}, {threadid}, {more} */ $tpl_newsrow = ' <b>{topic}</b><br> <font size="1">{date} - {commentcount} <a href="'.$thwbpath.'showtopic.php?threadid={threadid}">Kommentar(e)</a></font><br> <table width="20%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> {text} </tr> </table><table> <tr> <td> {more}<br> </td> </tr></table> <br><br> '; /* ------------ configuration end --------------------- */ require($thwbpath.'./inc/'); require($thwbpath.'./inc/'); require($thwbpath.'./inc/'); if( $mysqlconnect ) { mysql_connect($mysql_h, $mysql_u, $mysql_p); mysql_select_db($mysql_db); } $oldquotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); ################################################################################ // Creating config array ################################################################################ //$lan_instruct = LANG_SELECT_INSTRUCT; $r_registry = thwb_query("SELECT keyname, keyvalue, keytype FROM " . $pref . "registry"); while ( $registry = mysql_fetch_array($r_registry) ) { switch( $registry['keytype'] ) { case 'integer': case 'boolean': $config[$registry['keyname']] = intval($registry['keyvalue']); break; case 'array': if( $registry['keyvalue'] ) { $array = explode("\n", $registry['keyvalue']); while( list($k, $v) = @each($array) ) $array[$k] = '"'.addslashes(trim($v)).'"'; eval("\$config[\$registry['keyname']] = array(".implode(',', $array).");"); } break; default: $config[$registry['keyname']] = $registry['keyvalue']; } } { $r_style = thwb_query("SELECT styletemplate, colorbg, color1, CellA, CellB, color4, colorbgfont, col_he_fo_font, color_err, col_link, col_link_v, col_link_hover, stdfont, boardimage, newtopicimage, border_col FROM ".$pref."style WHERE styleid=1"); $style = mysql_fetch_array($r_style); $style['smallfont'] = '<font face="' . $style['stdfont'] . '" size="1">'; $style['smallfontend'] = '</font>'; $style['stdfont'] = '<font face="' . $style['stdfont'] . '" size="2">'; $style['stdfontend'] = '</font>'; } /* select threads */ $r_thread = mysql_query('SELECT threadid, threadtopic, threadtime, threadauthor, threadreplies, threadcreationtime FROM '.$pref.'thread WHERE boardid='.$boardid.' ORDER BY threadcreationtime DESC LIMIT '.$newscount); $a_thread = array(); $a_threadid = array(); while( $thread = mysql_fetch_array($r_thread) ) { $a_thread[$thread['threadid']] = $thread; $a_threadid[] = $thread['threadid']; } mysql_free_result($r_thread); /* select postids */ $r_post = mysql_query('SELECT threadid, postid FROM '.$pref.'post WHERE threadid IN('.implode(',', $a_threadid).') ORDER BY posttime DESC'); $a_postid = array(); while( $post = mysql_fetch_array($r_post) ) $a_postid[$post['threadid']] = $post['postid']; mysql_free_result($r_post); /* select posttexts */ $r_post = mysql_query('SELECT threadid, posttext FROM '.$pref.'post WHERE postid IN('.implode(',', $a_postid).')'); while( $post = mysql_fetch_array($r_post) ) $a_thread[$post['threadid']]['posttext'] = $post['posttext']; mysql_free_result($r_post); $news_output = ''; global $maxchars; while( list(, $thread) = each($a_thread) ) { $pos2 = $maxchars; if( $maxchars && strlen($thread['posttext']) > $maxchars ) { if ( strpos($thread['posttext'], 'Attachment: [b]' ,1) ==true ) { if ( strpos($thread['posttext'], 'Attachment: [b]' ,1) > $pos2 ) { $pos2 = $maxchars ; } else { $pos2 = strpos($thread['posttext'], 'Attachment: [b]'); } } else { if ( strpos($thread['posttext'], '[code]' ) == true ) { $pos2 = strpos($thread['posttext'], '[code]' ,1); } else { if ( strpos($thread['posttext'], '[url' ) == true ) { $pos2 = strpos($thread['posttext'], '[url' ,1); } else { $counttext = substr($thread['posttext'], 0, $maxchars); $count = substr_count($counttext,']'); if (intval($count / 2) <> ($count / 2)) { $pos = $count; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count+ 1; $i++) { $pos = strpos($thread['posttext'], ']', $pos ) + 1; $pos2 = $pos; } } } } } $newtext = substr($thread['posttext'], 0, $pos2); $more = '[<a href ="'.$thwbpath.'showtopic.php?threadid='.$thread['threadid'].'">more</a>]'; $newtext .= "...."; $pos2 = ''; $pos = ''; //HACK insert end $thread['posttext'] = $newtext; } else { $more = ''; } // change to suit your site preferences $backcolor = '<td bgcolor="#c6c6c6">'.$style['stdfont'].'<FONT COLOR= WHITE>'; $backcolorend = $style['stdfontend'].'</FONT></td>'; $row = $tpl_newsrow; $row = str_replace('{more}', $more, $row); $row = str_replace('{topic}', parse_code($thread['threadtopic']), $row); $row = str_replace('{text}', $backcolor.parse_code($thread['posttext'], 1, 1, 1, 1).$backcolorend, $row); $row = str_replace('{author}', $thread['threadauthor'], $row); $row = str_replace('{date}', date($date_format, $thread['threadcreationtime']), $row); $row = str_replace('{threadid}', $thread['threadid'], $row); $row = str_replace('{commentcount}', $thread['threadreplies'], $row); $news_output .= $row; } unset($a_thread); set_magic_quotes_runtime($oldquotes); if( $print_news ) // change to suit location of /templates folder (relative to this script) $smilieurl ='../templates'; $news_output = str_replace('templates', $smilieurl, $news_output); print $news_output; ?>